Saturday, April 23, 2005

First Post

This blog will be a place to discuss developments in social and strategic issues, with an occasional note about Scotch Whiskey (single malt, of course), and perhaps some interesting wines.

This blog has come about now that my interest in "high profile" blogs, which arose during the memogate scandal, has come to a head.

What can I say--I have a burning desire to shout at the sea that is the Blogosphere with rocks in my mouth, and hope with no realistic chance of success that someone, somewhere might think that I had an original thought.


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Sun Apr 24, 10:07:00 PM EDT  
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Sun Apr 24, 10:45:00 PM EDT  
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Tue Mar 12, 05:15:00 PM EDT  
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Sun Apr 07, 04:46:00 PM EDT  
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Wed Apr 10, 09:16:00 PM EDT  

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