Air America's Contribution to the Political Debate...
You know, I understand the need for robust political debate. And I'm a big advocate of freedom of speech--it's what conservatives have been relying on for years to get their message out while Liberals took over so many of the "opinion leader" institutions in America -- newspapers, the academy, the courts. I even understand that irreverent humor has a role in discourse. I get a chuckle when I hear Rush Limbaugh call John Francois Kerry "Lurch." Ha ha. I can even chuckle at Dave Letterman making fun of Bush's "lip curl" when the President's talkin' tough. O.k. Everybody's human.
I also understand that any given point, a certain segment of the population will just be absolutely exasperated at whoever occupies the White House. Clinton frustrated the heck out of me, for example. Also, I favored his impeachment. But, I just wanted to see the man humiliated, disgraced, and tossed from office so that he could get an early start on what he does now. That is, flop around the World laughing that big, raspy laugh of his, and telling Europeans what they want to hear about America: that Americans are just a bunch of ignorant rubes except for those who are in love with France.
However, as much as Clinton's shenanigans drove me to exhaustion, I never wished for his violent end, as the would-be liberal response to Rush Limbaugh, Air America seems to be looking forward to with respect to Bush. Oh, the gentle pacifistic enlightened left in America...
I also understand that any given point, a certain segment of the population will just be absolutely exasperated at whoever occupies the White House. Clinton frustrated the heck out of me, for example. Also, I favored his impeachment. But, I just wanted to see the man humiliated, disgraced, and tossed from office so that he could get an early start on what he does now. That is, flop around the World laughing that big, raspy laugh of his, and telling Europeans what they want to hear about America: that Americans are just a bunch of ignorant rubes except for those who are in love with France.
However, as much as Clinton's shenanigans drove me to exhaustion, I never wished for his violent end, as the would-be liberal response to Rush Limbaugh, Air America seems to be looking forward to with respect to Bush. Oh, the gentle pacifistic enlightened left in America...
Today a man was convicted of Incitement to commit terrorism... and may get Life Imprisonment... how it what he did... preach terrorism, different than Air America? I feel what Air America did was incite someone to perhaps inflict harm or assassinate our President...
Air America is regulated by the FCC, isn't there something, anything they can do over this blatant act of someone to murder the President?
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